
How to deploy Taranis AI

Clone via git

git clone --depth 1
cd taranis-ai/docker/


Copy env.sample to .env

cp env.sample .env

Open file .env and change defaults if needed. More details about environment variables can be found here.

See Advanced monitoring for more logging insights.

Startup & Usage

Start-up application

docker compose up -d

Use the application


Initial Setup 👤

The default credentials are user / user and admin / admin.

The passwords for these two default users can be overridden by setting the environment variables PRE_SEED_PASSWORD_ADMIN or PRE_SEED_PASSWORD_USER before first launch. Afterwards they are stored in the database in the user table.

Open http://<url>:<TARANIS_PORT>/config/sources and click load default sources to import the default sources from: default_sources.json

Or import a source export via the Import.

getting started

Last modified August 23, 2024: reformat docs (c27067d)