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Analyze displays a list of all report items. They can be created, edited, deleted and filtered.


    Different types of reports can be created. Those types can be managed by the admin user in the Administration/Report Types endpoint (see Report Types).

    After one of the next releases, it will also be possible to create products from reports.



    • Create: Reports can be created for any given report type (“New Report” button). After creating a new report, it can instantly be filled with data.
    • Read & Update: Details of reports can be edited/read by clicking on them. News items added to reports (assess) are also displayed in the report item view.
    • Delete: One or multiple reports can be deleted at once.

    Reports can be set to “completed” by changing the switch button in the report edit view (top right).


    • Search: Items can be filtered by string search
    • Display: Number of items displayed per page
    • Offset: Number that defines first item displayed
    • Filter: Filter time range (creation date)
    • Completed/Incomplete: Filter by report’s status


    Incomplete reports created today


    Add new report item


    Deleting multiple reports at once


    Report item view
